

What our students say about us

I have been learning Spanish at Speech Bubble Languages since November 2019. The classes have been in person except for the Covid years when they were online. I had some knowledge of Spanish from my high school years but was out of practice speaking and felt nervous. Louise’s classes have been a great way for me to relearn the language and regain my confidence. At Speech Bubble Languages it is not necessary to have any knowledge of the language as they cater for all levels. I decided to start Spanish classes when my daughter got engaged to her Mexican boyfriend, and I knew I’d have to speak Spanish with guests at the wedding. The classes encompass talking, listening, reading and writing and I honestly never thought that I would get to the stage where I am at now being able to read or listen to Spanish at Higher level. My confidence in speaking has grown and instead of using a few words I feel more confident in having a proper conversation. Louise also organises the opportunity to speak with native speakers which really enhances our listening skills. Not only am I learning a language, but I have also met new people from my in-person class but also from Argentina when we have met online. Louise is very supportive and encouraging, and cares about her students. I am so glad I found Speech Bubble languages. I do feel more confident with Spanish, and I felt less nervous at the wedding. I would 100% recommend learning a language with Speech Bubble Languages as they are fun, interesting. and very sociable classes. 


I have been studying Spanish with Speech Bubble Languages for two months now, and I have already learned so much. I can already see my skills progress. Even though I had only studied Spanish briefly in high school and in my first year of university, I knew that I wanted to keep learning it in the future.

Every Wednesday night, I attend an in-person class, and it has quickly become the highlight of my week. Each session is filled with interesting and fun activities, and the atmosphere is so friendly and relaxed. The tutors create such a safe and supportive environment and really push you out of your comfort zone to improve your confidence. You are encouraged to speak in Spanish as much as possible, throughout class each week. 

There are a multitude of resources which allow you to revisit sessions online and expand your knowledge through the online activities which are posted each week.

I hope to continue improving my language skills which I can then utilise when travelling and, in the near future, for increasing job opportunities abroad. I am so glad I took the plunge and joined Speech Bubble Languages; I can’t recommend it enough! Furthermore, I am so excited to see what else is in store on my language journey.


I have been trying to learn Spanish on and off (although probably more off!) for a number of years.  I enjoy the challenge of learning a language and like travelling to Spanish speaking countries and have always wanted to be able to communicate there and appreciate the culture.  I took some night classes many years ago but in the main used study books on my own, which helped a little with some basic conversation but didn't really provide a structured learning process or understanding of the language.  

Near the start of the first Covid lockdown, I started taking Spanish language classes online with Speech Bubble.  It has been an overwhelmingly positive experience; the classes are engaging, enjoyable, welcoming and very thoroughly prepared.  Louise is a fantastic teacher, with a unique ability to communicate and inform about the language in a way which is easy to understand and follow (even after a long day at work!).  Louise provides individualised, encouraging feedback and follow up which helps considerably in understanding specific topics.  She makes classes fun and sociable, while creating a comfortable and positive learning environment each week.

Speech Bubble's approach to learning is positive and encouraging throughout and very much works with students to progress at their own speed, allowing everyone to take the classes to the level at which they feel comfortable, while still facilitating personal development and challenge.  Various resources are made available for students to utilise as much as they want ensuring that learning and understanding can be continued between classes.  If anyone is thinking about joining language classes with Speech Bubble, without hesitation I would say to go for it, as it is an excellent way to start or further your language journey, whatever stage you may be at, and I can't recommend it highly enough!


I’ve been learning Spanish with Speech Bubble for three years. I’d previously studied French and German initially at school then much later at college but had never had an opportunity to put the learning into practice. Moving forward many years I was keen to learn a new language, and as I visit Spain and the Canaries frequently it made sense to start learning afresh with Spanish in the hope that I could put the learning to good use on my travels.

I went along to my first class in March 2020. One week later the UK was in lockdown and Speech Bubble quickly moved the class online. Three years later our group continues to meet online, and despite my initial reservations it is a fabulous learning environment which works really well.

My previous language learning (50 years ago!) had been focused on academic qualifications with lots of written exercises and time spent listening to tapes in a ‘language lab’. Pretty boring. With Speech Bubble the focus is on speaking, understanding and having fun.  The wide range of resources caters for all learning styles – written handouts, recordings of the lessons, online games to support learning, a YouTube channel, and occasional online get togethers with learners from language classes in other countries (we met up with a class in Argentina recently). What I love about the learning is that the tutors are supportive and make learning fun, and if work or life gets in the way of Spanish class there’s no pressure to ‘catch up’ – the resources to do that are there for you when you’re ready. My fellow learners are a lovely bunch, and the best bit is that Speech Bubble has given me the confidence to chat to locals in Spain, and even give directions to Spanish taxi drivers in Spanish! This year, a group of us will spend a week at the language school in Nerja to build on our learning and enjoy the local culture.  To anyone who is considering learning Spanish I would highly recommend Speech Bubble, you’ll love it and will be speaking Spanish in no time!

Speech Bubble Spanish Blog Study Trip Nerja Spain


The language I have chosen to study with Speech Bubble Languages is Spanish. 

I started my learning at our local college with a short 1-hour evening class each week. However, it was there, whilst having a bit of a gossip with my classmates, as students tend to do, that I learnt that one of our teachers was starting a new language school, namely Speech Bubble!

Looking back, my decision to ‘give it a go and see what happens’ has turned out to be one of my better ones! I’ve been learning since 2020 in person at the Speech Bubble centre in East Kilbride, with a few online sessions during Covid lockdowns and severe winter weather epsiodes.

I have a very good friend of many years, who is originally a native of Columbia. He has honed his English skills to a point where he is far better spoken than a native English speaker like me. It seemed only right I should at least try and reciprocate and learn a little Spanish.

If I’m honest, that daydream that has a habit of repeating itself on the more tiring days at work, where I’m retired and come October I travel to my villa in Spain to avoid yet another dreich winter in Scotland, also plays a part in my motivation.

However, with Speech Bubbles help I am just starting to realise I might even, one day, learn more than ‘a little bit’ of Spanish. I passed my Nat 5 qualification. Exams are optional but I’m glad I gave it a go. 

Speech Bubble classes are not like the formal lessons I remember from school. Each week or two we start a new theme, learning for the most part through a mixture of games and exercises, that are fun to do. There’s a wee bit of the more formal grammar to learn - it must be done! However, I like how it is introduced gradually and repeated regularly in the lessons, so you end up learning without realising it. 

The future is to carry on! I like the pace of learning, most important for someone like me working full time. Informal, relaxed and fun, the most conducive way to learn!
